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Barbara’s Bier Haus Cocktail Making Class

Barbara’s Bier Haus Cocktail Making Class

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Barbara’s Bier Haus Cocktail Making Class is a unique activity in a very unique venue! Barbara’s Bier Haus are Apres Ski, Oktoberfest themed bars in a ski cabin style to get the party started.


Enter a new world at Barbara’s Bier Haus Bar. You’ll feel like you’ve walked straight off the Swiss Ski Alps in this incredible themed bar. Not only have you got great surroundings but you get to make great cocktails too!

You will be greeted with a Prosecco reception to get you warmed up then it’s time to get shaking! Your Mixologist will guide you on best practice when it comes to cocktails then it will be time to mix up your own. All you need to do is have a good time!

To finish off your school there will be a Barbara’s Bier Haus special Ski Shot which includes cocktails on a ski. A perfect picture opportunity!


  • 90 Minute Cocktail Class
  • Themed Bar Venue
  • Exclusive Mixologist
  • Prosecco Reception
  • Two x Cocktail per person
  • Ski Shot

Cocktail Class Timings


Fridays 4:00pm/6:00pm/8:00pm
Saturdays 4:00pm/6:00pm/8:00pm


Fridays 3:00pm/5:00pm/7:00pm
Saturdays 1:00pm/3:00pm/5:00pm/7:00pm


  • Price per person is based on a minimum group size of 8 people
  • Classes will last approximately 90 minutes
  • Group Members must be aged 18 or over to participate. Anyone under the age of 18 unfortunately cannot attend
  • Classes are available at set time slots on Fridays and Saturdays
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