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Clay Shooting

Clay Shooting

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Clay Shooting is your chance to don your barbour jackets and wellington boots and get a taste of the country life. It’s the perfect activity for those groups looking to add a bit of sophistication to their event (or at least try to!)


Under the guidance of an instructor you will use a shot gun and take it in turns to watch each member of your group shoot the clays out of the sky. Feel the rush as you pull the trigger. Perfect opportunity for some gentle banter aimed at the one person that couldn’t hit a single target. Each group member gets 25 shots.


  • Qualified and experienced Shooting Instructor
  • 25 Clays per person
  • Clay Shooting Equipment
  • Safety Equipment


  • Old clothes and spare pair of shoes is advised (no flip flops or sandles)
  • Upgrades are available, please ask member of team for details. Can upgrade to more shots at additional cost
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